
(#100) At least one reference object must be specified - Simple POST of OG action

Php, Facebook Graph Api, Facebook

I am using the PHP SDK to try and post a simple action using the Graph API.

I have set up an object called 'Competition' and an action called 'Enter'. As such, a user enters a competition.

My code is like so:

try {
    $statusUpdate = $this->data['facebook']->api('/me/lovepoppycompetition:enter', 'post', array(
        'competition' => ''
    echo '<pre>SUCCESS: '.print_r($statusUpdate, true).'</pre>';
} catch(FacebookApiException $e) {
    echo '<pre>FAILED: '.print_r($e, true).'</pre>';    

I am getting an error returned (FacebookApiException):

(#100) At least one reference object must be specified

I'm not really sure why, especially as I am using this code (with different objects/actions) on another app with no issues just fine.

It might be worth noting that I haven't submitted the action, although I don't think I have to for it to work for me?

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (2)

I think the problem lies with you redirecting the action back to your facebook application. You should create a competition page on your website, and use that to redirect users back to your website.

Make sure you use the correct og tags on the redirect page.

Niraj Shah

This was caused by a FB bug, which is now resolved



Mike said:
The question is 9 months old, perhaps something has changed? There was an open bug on fb bug tracker at the time, when it was resolved so was my issue
Sumitiscreative said:
This is not written in their doc anywhere. Here are the steps you should follow : goto stories section create a story using your action and object then, you will see manage sample data option below, click on that and create sample object and sample action over there. This will create a separate URL which will be your sample object for reference use this object. Goto types-> press get code and you will get correct code on doing submit at graph API explorer it will generate an ID, which signifies success. (It took me 2 days to figure this out, hope it helps you).

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